Tuesday 12 April 2016

LESS a spoonful of sugar - help the universe go 'round

Think of yourself first - one less teaspoon of sugar adds up to a healthier, better looking YOU!
Now think of how you can help save the world by being a better looking you -

If half the world's population, just like you, has 1 LESS teaspoon of sugar each day that adds up to 5 billion tonnes less sugar consumed each year and a heck of a lot of great looking, healthier people.
Now think of the savings in cultivation, water consumption, power consumption, transport, storage, packaging, marketing etc. etc. etc.  and you have some idea how your little teaspoon of sugar is actually making a dent in the battle to sustain your own lifestyle.

Now how do you cut out that teaspoon of sugar without becoming feral? - Try cutting out just one teensy slice of bread from your food intake and you'll do better than that offending teaspoon of sugar!

And now you beautiful, healthy thing, come play a part in the world's largest orchestra! 

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